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dead keys society

Jun's online journal of mindless rants as well as feeble attempts on short story writing and other forms of literature (if you can call it that).

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Summer Ends

Last Monday was the last day of summer. For most people, it was just another day. For most kids, it was the beginning of the new school year. You can hear a few groans every now and then but a lot of kids are actually excited to getting back to school. Mostly just to see how old friends have been doing.

It was just another day for me. In fact, it was the start of another busy work week. As they say, another day another dollar. It's hot though. I mean the weather had been hot this whole summer. I normally enjoy a good run outside every afternoon but it gets so hot that it makes it difficult for me to breate. So I've opted to run indoors using the threadmill.

I guess this is my body's normal reaction to aging. What used to be so easy for me to do a couple of years ago now requires some much needed effort. I'm enjoying it. Things like this keep me on my toes. They're what most people call 'the occasional curve ball'.

I enjoy growing old gracefully.



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