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dead keys society

Jun's online journal of mindless rants as well as feeble attempts on short story writing and other forms of literature (if you can call it that).

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Runescape - Training in Lumbridge

New players always start from Lumbridge. This is the place where it all begins after the new player leaves the training island. They have the option of going off and exploring the Runescape world or they can stay close here and earn more experience points by utilizing the safety of this place.

There are a lot of resources outside the Lumbridge castle. There are training assistants that will provide players with training equipment like shields, swords, bows, arrows and runes. There's also a river nearby where one can fish and a lot of trees around. Just across the river is a cow pen where one can earn a lot of points for a lot of different skills. It's a question of what experience points does the player want to work on.

New players have to be wary also of other players scamming them here. Lumbridge is well known for newbies to come in so existing players come in here and try to dupe out new players. So if you're a new player and another high level player wants you to do something in exchange for something, be wary and use your common sense.

If it's too good to be true, it probably is.



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