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dead keys society

Jun's online journal of mindless rants as well as feeble attempts on short story writing and other forms of literature (if you can call it that).

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


The mark of the beast? Obviously, a lot of people think so. Myself, I think they are just numbers. But how and when did numbers began to acquire religious significance? Philosophers and theologians would debate this for a long time and still not come out with a definitive answer. When the world was young, people tend to look towards the occult and numerology was somehow connected with it.

June 6, 2006. Written simply as 6-6-6. Ths sixth day of the sixth month of the 6th year of the new millenium. A lot of hoopla going on. The apocalypse they say is among us. Prayer rallies against the devil are held in some churches. Me? I go to work. If this day is really significant, then it should become a non-working day. I'd believe anything so long as it gives me a day off from work. I'd rather be fishing today than spend my day listening to corporate honchos and breaking my back trying to meet a deadline.

It's still early and the day looks really well outside from my office window. It's hot though. I think it's about 90 degrees out there today. Feels like hell. Oh wait... could this be a sign in relation to the day bearing the mark of the beast? I sure hope no one would interpret it that way. Mass hysteria can be easily invoked. Besides, the temperature was in the 90s since last month.

But then if this is a sign of the times, i am not really worried. I know I'm going to hell anyway so might as well get accustomed to the heat.



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