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dead keys society

Jun's online journal of mindless rants as well as feeble attempts on short story writing and other forms of literature (if you can call it that).

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Captain America Is Dead

Here's a character that has a lot of history in him. He had fought the Germans, had himself frozen in ice, became a different character and so forth. But he always comes back to become Captain America. In the Marvel comic world, he is Steve Rogers and was a product of the super soldier serum.

Sometime ago, Marvel decided to shake things up in their universe where heroes ended up fighting other heroes due to the government wanting them to reveal their identities. Iron Man supported the government and led this group while Captain America opposed it and became the opposing group's leader.

At the climax of the story, Captain America surrendered to prevent further bloodshed and was to be taken to the courthouse for judgement. But he never got there. He was assasinated. And they had him buried in Arlington Cemetery.

The Marvel Universe lost a great character. But knowing the comic world, his story will not end here.

Hopefully not.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


wat a heroic story... nd yes, comics are not fading... nd many heroes will come...

good day!


2:14 PM  
Blogger The Fortune Cookie said...

hi vera.. thanks for coming back and checking my blogsite. i really appreciate your visiting here. :)

11:30 PM  

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