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dead keys society

Jun's online journal of mindless rants as well as feeble attempts on short story writing and other forms of literature (if you can call it that).

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

You Can't Fix Stupid

Okay, I'm not talking about Ron White's show but I would like to borrow his phrase. And that's because I want to talk about someone I work with in the office. Management decided to hire this guy even though he doesn't seem to reflect the right mentality for what he's suppose to be doing plus the fact that he showed some signs that he's going to be a character to work with.

Being a corporate pawn for some time now in the company, I can't say I'm a model employee but I do try to follow corporate policy and enforce company standards on new hires considering I've always been one of the mentors. But this new guy just seem to not get it. He comes in and wants to start changing the world even going to the extent of wanting the company to purchase some software for him. I say that's just too gutsy.

A few weeks have passed now and he's not showing any sign of trying to fit in but rather wants the whole company to fit to his needs. I'm not sure what the company will do but I hope they do something. Feedbacks from almost everyone on the group regarding this person has been bordering on the bad to worse. Hopefully management see the same things being observed by everyone else.

I have the misfortune of banging heads with this guy and he just doesn't seem to get it when the other person is frustrated. It seemed like he wakes up every morning and decides he wants to be stupid to everyone. And he's doing a great job at it too.

You really can't fix stupid. No matter how hard you try.



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