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dead keys society

Jun's online journal of mindless rants as well as feeble attempts on short story writing and other forms of literature (if you can call it that).

Friday, January 20, 2006

It All Begins With A Song...

Every morning when I head off to work, I have always noticed this particular car in the parking lot at so early in the morning. But it is not the car that stands out to me but a particular bumper sticker on it. It reads "It all begins with a song...". I smile each time I see that and for some reason, my day just seems to be a bit lighter. The words remain with me almost all throughout the day. I am not sure though if the other people who have read it feels the same way I do or if the car owner had that intention in mind but I am grateful to see a message that seems to be a great picker upper.

One has to wonder how a simple sentence can make someone reflect. So what begins with a song? At first, I try to associate this with all that has happened to me, the material things, the physical well being, and any other things I can think of. And sudddenly it dawned on me.. it is my life that begins with a song. No wonder I smile each time I remember those words from the bumper sticker. As you go through life, either at your highest or lowest point, you know in your heart that a story unfolds with every breath you take.

Life doesn't just begin with a song. Life is a song.

And in answer to that proverbial question "who let the dogs out?" I will have to assume responsibility for that. I let the dogs out.

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